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2014-2015 Events

General Meeting
2014.09.11 (Thurs) 20:00~24:00

신입생 환영회

2014.07.10 (Thurs) 19:30~23:00

신입생 오리엔테이션

2014.06.28 (Sat) 15:00~17:00

1st Mentoring Gathering

2014.10.04 (Sat) 18:00~19:30


Explore the East

2014.11.14 (Fri) 15:30~18:00


수강신청 박살내기

2014.11.16 (Sun) 16:00~18:00


2nd Mentoring Gathering

2014.11.15 (Sat) 18:00~19:30


4th Mentoring Gathering

2015.02.07 (Sat) 18:00~19:00


NYU KISO LOL Tournament

2015.02.21 (Sat) 18:00~21:00


5th Mentoring Gathering

2015.03.28 (Sat) 18:15~8:30


The Interview:

North Korean Human Rights Seminar

2015.03.29 (Sun) 15:00~16:40


2015 Alumni Night

2015.04.05 (Sun) 18:00~23:00


Last Mentoring Event

2015.04.18 (Sat) 20:00~22:00


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